🍥 “hello world” 🧋

🍇 hello there!

> echo "HELLO WORLD! :D"

welcome to my blog. i’ve only been working on it for 3+ years :,)

to be honest, every previous iteration of my blogfolio/digital garden/intranet archive has always left me wanting more for it. i have some big plans for this iteration of it but with the need for work-life balance, i usually end up spending my free time trying to keep a healthy and consistent routine, working on other hobbies and studying for some things i won’t mention until i “manifest” them hard enough.

i also recently got promoted, which was a pleasant surprise. my previously cushy WFH job is slightly more stressful now due to an increase in my job responsibilities and expectations, which are an outcome of my promotion. i’m earning more :D but that also means i have to pay more taxes D:

🍓 — what is this???

i want this space to be a digital garden of sorts, where i can just upload snippets of information i find relevant enough to note down. i want to give myself the freedom to use this as frequently as possible. i am not the best at “working in public”, but this will act as my attempt to be better at it.

twitter (or x, eugh 🤢) was my first place to look at for this purpose, but with the kind of hellscape it has become, i would rather use it to keep up with manga/anime, k-pop and the occassional non-toxic news updates. nothing else really fit my requirement for this and so i thought it would be best to start working on this website again.

🫐 future plans and expectations

i had a ton of ideas spread out across hundreds of notion pages i kept like a weekly journal or archive since late 2020, but i stopped keeping up with them in february this year. it was around the time i bought myself an ipad air 5, and i’d been keeping a track of things on the notes app and freeform. basically, my notes are all over the place, just like they were in school and college :((

now, i’m left trying to get it all together. i was thinking of using obsidian but having to pay to sync my data is not something i’m looking forward to. maybe notion is still the best available solution for my data mess. as i organize myself, i’ll probably push out small and negligible features for this website at a snail’s pace and eventually post something significant once i am close to completing this project. while i hope that would be in the foreseeable future, i can’t really promise that.

🍒 for now

i am writing this update on 5th august 2024. i spent the last three years and three months obsessing over this one manga and it just ended (iykyk). while i will always have an endless amount of fanon material to consume, i’m not sure about how i’ll cope without all those weekly chapters to keep my mind busy. perchance i shall finish this website to cope with the emptiness in my heart?

until something mentions updates here or over at my github repo for this site, please ignore the formatting. i keep testing things now and i’m using this page as a pilot, an alpha test if you may. this is bad software development practice, but since this is only my own website, i think it’s okay.